Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Habari za leo? Za nyumbani? HOw was your day? Your home? Nzuri. fine. The langauge here is actually a thousand times easier than I thought it would be to learn. I am speaking tarzan swahili at the moment, but everday I learn a cool phrase and make my host family chuckle by using it at dinner. My family: wonderful and warm. The make me feel better when Im having a hard day-all the little kids running out to greet me after school, to take my bag for me and to hold my hands and pat my head when I sit down. I love it! Although I feel like Im livingin te 50's. Dad is alwasy right, kids should be seen and not heard, women do chores while the men play. women should not drink or else they are easy....never show your knees in public, but whne your are home "BE FREE". I am a littel tired of eating rice....but I'll get over that. I think I'm going to introduc my fmaily to Grilled cheese-wonder what they will think? Still am fighting with all the stupid ants in my room. Kill one, 1000 more show up. grr. The scenery here is stunning-mountains right in my backyart-and in the morning, its nothing but stunning to see at sunrise. Yes everyone, I do wake up at sunrise. Why, you ask? The mosk. and the roosterthat lives next door(I can't wait until he is EATEN!) The mosk blares out the call to worship everdya at 4am...sleeping through it these days though. Cathy knight, you will be proud to know that I wen to church this Sunday......for EIGHT HOURS! I think thats enought church for me to last 5 years! And to top it off, I didn't understand a word! I did get a free meal of rice and beans out of it though. I have just purchased a cell phone and will email you all my number...I receive calls for free, and can text, but calling it about $3/min. So you call me! I start teaching next week...observed a class being tought math. 2 of the 5 problems were taught incorrectly....and in English that I didn't understand. I can't wait until I am under fire! Must go, but more latr! Loveyou all!


Blogger Tanzaman said...

Make sure you tell everyone it's Canadian Thanksgiving next weekend!!

8:22 AM  
Blogger Doogers said...

Hey Jenny, I just told Gina about your Blog site. I am not sure if she knew or not. I can help her get on here and stuff. It sounds like things are going great for you over there. Reading your blogs makes me remember when I was in Peru, helping out the kids and the orphanage. It was a lot of fun. Everything just seems so much simpler and that makes things even more fun and meaningful. Have fun with the Ants maybe you can be there Queen. HAHA. Have fun, and also I bet those kids like to play Soccer, and I bet you would have a blast playing with them. HAHA. Later. - Doug

10:23 AM  

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